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Link Category

-Area Education Resources (5)
Resources paid for by Iowa's Area Education Agencies. Contact your schools library media specialist for student login information.
-State of Iowa Licensure (15)
Links to information regarding Iowa's Teacher licensure
Assessment Tools (27)
Collection of sites used for assessing student work or acheivement
Collaborative Learning (47)
Collaborative Learning Sites
District Technology Resources (5)
Links to schoold district technology resources.
Free Online Courses (41)
Sites offering free online courses
Graphic Organizers-Mind Mapping (30)
Online sites providing organizational tools for students.
Interactive Whiteboard Sites (29)
Online sites and smartboard reources
Internet TV and Video (49)
Free internet tv and video's for education
PodCasts (14)
Educational PodCasts for teacher and administrators
Professional Development (44)
Professional Development Resources for Educators and Administrators

Top Ten Links

  • Pluto TV (3,705)
    Pluto TV has movies, TV shows, and things like a DIY channel and live news.
  • Chalkup (2,137)
    To make learning more collaborative and engaging for students around the world.
  • NASSP (1,760)
    NASSP is here to help throughout your professional journey with robust online and in-person resources.
  • Ziteboard (1,389)
    A Web Whiteboard is a touch-friendly online whiteboard app that makes drawing, collaboration and sharing easy.
  • UC San Diego (1,044)
    UC San Diego offers podcasts in video and audio format for several hundred current and past courses. With recordings for every class period for listed courses, UC San Diego offers one of the most comprehensive compilations of online college level instruction. Search for individual course pages to view supplementary material such as books, extra reading materials, and so on.
  • FreeTVHub (946)
    Some people like only news channels to watch. So, this website is made for that type of people specially. Here you’ll find a wide range of news channels for live streaming online.
  • Caltech Online Education (922)
    -Caltech's Online Education programs aim to improve both how we educate future generations of scientists and engineers here at Caltech and to show how our intense approach to education in science and engineering can make a difference beyond our own student body.
    -Upcoming online learning opportunities will be available through Coursera and edX, educational technology platforms that offer online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines to a worldwide audience at no charge. Caltech's online offerings do not provide Caltech course credit.
  • Itunes PodCasts (899)
    PodCasts > Education from iTunes.
  • KidsKnowit (898)
    Making education fun and free. Free educational Websites For the young, and the young at heart.
  • Rubric Tools (839)
    Rubrics: Useful Assessment Tools: University of Waterloo