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-Area Education Resources

  • -Iowa Area Education Agencies (357)
    Iowa's Area Education Agencies Directory. Each Iowa public and accredited non public school district is served by one of the 9 AEA's in Iowa.
  • AEA Learning Online (366)
    The AEA's have placed all of their online courses in one spot. It is your source for professional development and K-12 learning.
  • AEA Professional Development Catalog Search (288)
    Online Professional Development Catalog Search for Educators.
  • AEA Purchasing (322)
    AEA Purchasing is a participating member of the Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA). AEPA is a non-profit, multi-state purchasing organization that enables schools of all sizes to purchase at equal buying levels. Visit to learn more. AEA Purchasing AEPA contracts are noted by the logo above.
  • Iowa AEA Online (259)
    Iowa AEA Online is a virtual library that provides no-cost access to 15 high-quality, web-based resources for accredited public and non-public PreK-12 schools. Students and staff have access at school and at home. Iowa AEA Online is funded and supported by Iowa's Area Education Agencies. To learn more, contact your school or AEA media and technology contact.