This an introductury course for teachers to use a range of different webtools as teaching aids.
Available courses
This is the introductory course for Python for Beginners. Please start here if you have no experience coding in Python. This course is self-paced; you can proceed through the course, but need to complete each unit before moving on to the next unit.
Participants will complete this module with a greater understanding of both district and self-selected/created professional learning opportunities available through mobile learning devices.
How do I take advantage of district-provided professional learning opportunities through my mobile learning device?
What pathways to online professional learning can I take advantage of through my mobile learning device, and how do I find them?
How can I build professional learning opportunities using my mobile learning device and share them with others?
Participants will complete this module with an understanding of how a 1:1 student-to-device ration opens up their classrooms to the flipped classroom model of teaching and the pathways to resources available for assistance.
What is the flipped classroom approach?
What would it look like in my classroom?
- Where can I look to learn more about adopting this approach?
Participants will complete this module with a basic understanding of native video apps on mobile devices, iMovie, and the ways these tools can be leveraged for learning and creation.
What video apps do I have on my device?
How can I use these to improve teaching?
How can I use these to improve learning and student creation?
This course was created for a workshop at the Mountain Moot 2013 where participants learned how to create Moodle Lessons. There are three lessons available to try as students and a fourth which was built together as an introduction to lesson construction. I have also included the slideshow presentation used during the course of the workshop.
An introduction to the terms, technologies, trends, and best practices of the interactive design industry. Students design, develop, and upload a simple web site using HTML and basic CSS. The importance of writing valid and semantic code is emphasized. Basic web side production stages and requirements such as naming conventions, file organization, project development life cycle, and image optimization are also covered. Prerequisites: None
This course was designed for the Moodle School demonstration site as an example of a course optimised for the mobile app.
This first Moodle course will cover the basics of Moodle,setting up and laying out a Moodle course, adding text, images, files and folders. Personalising the site to suit you. |
After completing this course you will be able to plan an e-learning course together with exercises and elements of online teaching strategy, using a variety of tools and teaching methods selected specifically to meet your goals.

An online course providing support and training for new features within Moodle 2 and how they can be used in teaching.
The course is designed to develop knowledge and understanding of features and to enable the sharing of ideas with other teachers on how these features can be applied to teaching and learning. It uses the features of Moodle 2 that you will be learning about to get the experience as a learner and gain the knowledge required by the teacher.
Developed as part of the LSIS Collaboration in Technology project.
Advanced instructional design course.
Instructor: Doug Holton <>
A course in which you will be introduced to different types of sport and get a feel for how you might enjoy participating in them. Best suited to students aged 8-13.
How to use Technologies in my course?
Best practices of using the various technologies around and implementing them into your Moodle course.
Multimedia, Flash, Java, Video, Animation...
In this course teachers will be able to explain the various componets of a mobile workflow and begin to create and manage a professional mobile workflow of their own. be able to confidently manage and create a professional mobile workflow.
In this module participants will look at ways to create a classroom workflow that includes both collaboration between teacher and students and between students.
Welcome to our Virtual Driver's Education Classroom. Our virtual classroom will not replace any direct contact time as directed by state law (30 classroom hours).
This classroom has been designed as a supplement for student needing extra help. Students who are absent during 1 or more days will still be required to schedule makeup time and day for the exact numbers of hours absent from class. During makeup class time, we will have flexibility in assigning individualized instruction for exactly what content has been missed.