About Us.......

If you are new to SmithOnline, we welcome you.  

SmithOnline started as a project to help teachers in local area schools to find technology related resources that were in a central location.  Our mission was to provide this central location, so teachers would not have to spend time searching the net or, but go to one location and choose which resource fits their classroom needs.  Teachers could then spend the extra time developing new ways to implement technology into their curriculum.

We are continually updating our site with new and interesting online resources that are designed to enhance learning. We do not endorse any of the sites but provide them as a resource for teachers to view and determine if they are applicable for their classroom. We hope that by providing these resources in a centralized location, teachers will be able focus more on developing new and interesting activities while reducing the amount of time spent searching the internet.

We also hope the site will genrate thought, questions on how we can motivate, inspire and challenge students.


Joe Ruhl received his bachelors and masters degrees at Purdue University and he has been sharing the joys of biology with kids for 37 years.


Visitors may view our public resources, but some feature of our site may require registration. Registration is free, but must be approved by the site administrator. The site administrator will review each registration request and will send an approval email. Once the approval email is received, members may then login and use any of the features on our site. We do limit registration to K-12 or edu (public and private) schools or  as well as colleges and universities. Only valid school email addresses can be used. If your registration is denied, you may send an email to the site administrator explaining your need for use of our non-public features.


Thank you for visiting Smithonline. We hope our site helps you to think differently in finding resources that challenge your students.


If you would like to contact us, we are working on a contact form which is in the final stages for production.  Until the contact form is complete, please email us  support @smithonline.org.  We would love to hear from you.



Last Updated Tuesday, December 26 2017 @ 02:51 pm  2,427 Hits