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American RadioWorks (396)
APM Reports strives to raise awareness, trigger debate and prompt positive change via non-partisan, independent investigative and documentary journalism.
Bamd!radio (346)
BAM! Radio Network is now the largest all-education talk radio network in the world, offering programming from the nation's top education organizations and thought leaders and reaching a wide audience of people passionately committed to quality education.
Classroom 2.0 Live (396)
Video and Archives on various educational topics
How Stuff Works - PodCasts (520)
HowStuffWorks is an American commercial educational website founded by Marshall Brain to provide its target audience an insight into the way many things work. The site uses various media to explain complex concepts, terminology, and mechanisms—including photographs, diagrams, videos, animations, and articles. A documentary television series with the same name also premiered in November 2008 on the Discovery Channel.
iPodder (405) is a resource for discovering and enjoying podcasts, or downloadable audio programs. This website includes tutorials, how-to articles, and other information designed to help you make the most of your podcast experience and your portable music device. We are dedicated to creating the world's best podcast destination for music, news, and entertainment.
Itunes PodCasts (868)
PodCasts > Education from iTunes.
Moving at the Speed of Creativity (579)
Moving at the Speed of Creativity is Wesley Fryer‘s blog. (That’s me!) I use this site to digitally document my own journey of learning and collaborate with other educators and lifelong learners around the globe. I focus primarily creative uses of multimedia to help students “show what they know with media,” digital literacy, digital storytelling, digital portfolios, blended learning educational leadership, digital creativity, and digital citizenship.
NPR PodCasts (331)
National Public Radio has an entire section of educational podcasts that highlight current education news and events that happen around the world.
podCast 411 (413)
PodCasts on variety of topics.
Podcasts in English (440)
All podcasts are free for language learners and teachers, but only members receive the learning English worksheets, vocabulary tasks, webquests and transcripts.
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