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Internet TV and Video
American Memory Collections (291)
American Memory Collections: Original Format
BackPack Practice (347)
In this educational video library, you’ll find a special interest in math, science, and other academic subjects.
BBC Learning (409)
BBC offers an excellent learning site, including learning resources for schools, parents, and teachers. One of BBC’s most impressive resources is a live volcano conversation discussing the world’s most active volcano in Hawaii.
Biography (430)
Get the true story behind peoples’ lives from these videos from the Biography channel.
Brightstorm (338)
Our mission at Brightstorm is to be the best place to learn in the world. We believe that great learning starts with great teaching. So, we find the best teachers, film them teaching, and build learning solutions around those great teacher videos.
Our current solutions target the high-school age curriculum, including Math, Science, SAT, ACT and AP subjects. Over 20 million students study these topics in the US every year-we believe this large market of web-generation users will be the first to define new ways for all of us to learn. -
C-SPAN Video Library (334)
Find Congressional and other political programs and clips in this digital archive from C-SPAN.
Cable in the classroom (365)
Cable TV programs offer a wide variety of educational outlets for teachers in this day and age. From educational TV shows, websites and interactive multimedia, there is much to choose from. These several different media platforms offer educational aids to help teachers teach all kinds of subjects from science to art and everything in between . All these platforms help to inspire creativity, engage learners, and enhance the educational experience.
Canadian National Film Bureau (366)
Discovery Education (343)
Use Discovery Education’s videos to inspire curiosity, bringing the Discovery channel into your classroom.
Folkstreams (305)
On, a national preserve of documentary films about American roots cultures, you’ll find the best of American folklore films.